Empowering LGBTQIA+ youth by fostering a deeper connection to the natural world
💡 According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, outlandish means (a) strikingly out of the ordinary and (b) remote from civilization.
Photo by Max Sovine
Photo by Max Sovine
photo by Max Sovine
Program Overview
Outlandish! serves LGBTQIA+ youth between the ages of 13-18 and primarily plans trips in San Francisco, San Mateo, and Marin Counties. Numerous studies demonstrate that time spent in nature is incredibly valuable for youth. However, in our modern-day culture, it is becoming increasingly rare.
We aim to bring LGBTQIA+ youth into nature, including day-long guided hikes, sailing and sea kayaking trips on the Bay, conservation and ecology lessons from park rangers, and other physical and educational activities. Chaperoned by qualified adults, participants become immersed in the natural world, where they can learn about themselves and the complex ecosystems around them.
Program History & Inspiration
Outlandish! was founded in 2023. Program Director, Max Sovine, has spent much of their childhood and adult life in the outdoors and has noticed a significant lack of queer leadership and participation in outdoor organizations. Understanding how powerful and transformative nature can be, Max wants to bring that same experience to Bay Area LGBTQIA+ youth.
“Outdoor education teaches hard skills like environmental stewardship, backcountry navigation, wilderness first aid, and basic survival skills... but it also promotes personal and people skills like active learning, encourages physical and social development, and boosts self-esteem and confidence with authentic outdoor challenges.”
Why it’s important
Study after study proves that time spent outdoors is extremely beneficial in many ways. Queer youth in particular can face many challenges as they navigate growing up in a culture that can sometimes appear hostile to their authentic selves. Outlandish! strives to provide a welcoming, supportive environment where youth can be themselves and gain a sense of empowerment and community while becoming more aware of the natural world we all live in.
Who it serves
Even though the Bay Area is surrounded by breathtakingly beautiful natural landscapes, many young people do not have regular or reliable access to the outdoors. Outlandish! will facilitate that access in a fun, safe, and educational way.
“If you are a parent of a queer kid and you are looking for fun outdoor activities in a healing space, Outlandish! is for your family. Max does fantastic work providing outdoor activities and adventures for our queer kids to feel safe and learn more about the natural world around them. Get involved!”
Who runs it
Max Sovine, administration staff and QLS Board member, has over fifteen years of outdoor education experience. They have guided trips with youth from Alaska to Ecuador to all over the Western United States. They are also a certified CPR provider and Wilderness First Responder.
Each outing has a small team of adult volunteers who are chosen for their experience levels in nature, enthusiasm, professionalism, and background working with youth.
Do you have questions about the program? Feel free to reach out to Max at msovine@queerlifespace.org.
How does it work
There are 1-2 outings per month on Saturdays. We meet at a central location easily accessed by public transit either in San Francisco, Marin, or East Bay (depending on location of the outing). The participants and adult volunteers load up in one vehicle and head out for the day’s adventure. Locations may include the Marin Headlands, any number of parks in the Oakland hills, Land’s End in SF, any of the hikes around Mt. Tam, and more.
At the end of the day, the participants and volunteers will be dropped off at the meeting location.
The outings will involve hiking over uneven terrain, group building games, lessons on local ecology, and more!
Each outing will be specifically for youth ages 13-18.
Please check out our Outlandish! FAQ page for more information.
We understand how important it is for the outdoors to be accessible to all people, regardless of background. As a result, all Outlandish! trips are FREE. However, we rely primarily on donations to cover vehicle transport, supplemental snacks, bridge tolls, and outreach. Please consider making a donation here. Your support will keep our program alive!
Queer LifeSpace is a small nonprofit with big goals! We understand how crucial it is for people in the LGBTQIA+ community to have access to support whether through therapy, art, or time in nature.
*Please note that Outlandish! is not a therapy program*
Photo by Ranger Jackson Lam
How to get involved
Is your child between the ages of 13-18? Do they live in San Francisco, Marin, or the East Bay? Are you a young person who wants to get outside and explore nature first hand and meet other LGBTQIA+ youth? Or are you interested in recruiting youth to join our adventures? Please contact Max at msovine@queerlifespace.org. Please be sure to specify your interest in the Outlandish! program.
You can also make a tax-deductible donation to Queer LifeSpace. The donation goes towards helping queer youth get outside to enjoy this spectacular natural world that we live in. Thank you!
There are a lot of great articles out there about the importance of queer representation and access to the outdoors, as well as more articles about why spending time in nature matters. Please feel free to check out these resources:
These proud LGBTQ adventurers are putting the ‘out’ in outdoors
How Outdoor Programs Are Empowering Transgender Youth
Getting Queer Young People Connected To Nature
An Emerging Threat to Conservation: Fear of Nature
Queering Outdoor Spaces Heals People and the Earth
Queer LifeSpace is compliant with HIPAA regulations.
You may contact us at info@queerlifespace.org to learn about our privacy policy and how we collect, keep, and process your private information in accordance with these laws.
Check out our FAQ page.
Photo by an Outlandish! participant
Photo by Max Sovine